Become a GuineaDad rewards member and start racking up points today! Turn those points into GuineaDad discounts!
How to earn points:
Signup for an account with us: 100 points
Place an order; every $1 you spend: 1 point
Share on Facebook: 50 points
Share on Twitter: 50 points
Celebrate a birthday: 100 points
How to get started:
Click "rewards/gift icon" on the lower right hand corner of your screen.
Click "join now" and become a member.
Fill out all the information needed then click "create"
Start sharing and racking up points!
The spending point rules are as follows.
For 500 points, you can get $5 discount coupon.
For 1000 points, you can get $11 discount coupon.
For 2500 points, you can get $30 discount coupon.