Founding Story

Initially, GuineaDad started as an Instagram account (@guineadad) to show off our three piggy princesses. If you look right back to the beginning, you will see our pictures were solely to provide fun with Peanut, Tofu, and Dumpling.

Sadly, Tofu soon got bacterial conjunctivitis and Si visited the shops and various online sites to find the best products from well-known brands and DIY solutions. As it goes, Si stumbled upon the sad truth of the market; products for small animals are sub-par (to say the least!) because they aren't as profitable as the ‘mainstream’ pets such as cats and dogs. Myself, as well as many others, were forced into DIY solutions but a distinct lack of resources made this incredibly tough.

As a result of this experience, Si and Sean vowed to dedicate their time to producing high-quality products for small animals to ensure their well-being for years to come!

Future Vision
Many small animal products are produced with sub-par quality and/or care because some people consider them ‘less important’ than ‘real pets’ like dogs and cats. However, this cannot be further from the reality. The small animals deserve the same full attention to live happy and healthy lives. We plan to expand our product line not only for guinea pigs, but for small animals everywhere.

Our Promise to our Customers

We are committed to create the highest quality products for our animal friends. Each material is chosen with our animal friends in mind and with the help of the experts in various industries.

We proudly volunteer and donate to nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping the small pets in need. We believe that by working together, we can make our community stronger.

  • Si Lee aka (GuineaDad)

    Si Lee is the GuineaDad's co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, leading the company as it raises small animal awareness and creates high-quality premium small animal products.

    Si worked at Credit Suisse Investment Banking in San Francisco and Hong Kong. He previously co-founded and served as CEO at EatsNavi, online food delivery platform. He also worked at Samsung in Semiconductor Strategic Marketing in San Jose, CA and China.

    He graduated from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business with Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. He graduated from the University of Illinois - Urbana, and Champaign with Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

  • Sean Hahn aka Guinea Godfather

    Sean Hahn is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer for GuineaDad. He manages supply chain and logistics for GuineaDad. Sean is an expert in factory development with the focus in the Asia Pacific Region (APAC) region. Sean has previously developed factory-side supply chains for Walmart, Target, Sears/Kmart

    Sean co-founded Golden Bridge in South Korea, a one-stop consumer goods development sourcing company serving major marketing firms and retail brands in Korea and the US.

    Sean received his Bachelor's degree in Finance from the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign and also studied at Peking University in Beijing. Sean is fluent in English, Chinese, and Korean with a working knowledge of Japanese.

  • Fleece Liners for Guinea Pigs

    Tofu aka City Girl

    Tofu is the youngest and biggest girl of the three. She loves to eat, poop and sleep. Her bacterial conjunctivitis was the reason we created GuineaDad Fleece Liner.

  • Peanut aka The Alpha

    Peanut is a beautiful girl who first joined GuineaDad’s family. She is very athletic and bossy. She rock climbs(?) at her spare time - for carrots.

  • Dumpling aka Drooler

    Dumpling was the last to join the herd and was adopted from Critter Corral, the guinea pig rescue center at Illinois. She is a true food fighter. There is no such veggie that she would not eat.

Some of the Many Rescues We Donate to

We continually give back to the community to provide some sort of support just as you guys support us!

Our office

Orange County Office (Headquater)
SH Studio Inc.
2710 S Main St Suite B Santa Ana, CA 92707