Feeding Instruction

GuineaDad Nourish Series - Herbal Supplements are intended for guinea pig supplement, and is not a substitute for regular diet. Can be fed daily - Keep it between 1-2 tsp per pound

Efficient Lid Design: We know the familiar frustration when you are opening a treat for your guinea pigs, and they are so excited that you struggle with closing up the treat bag. This is why we designed out herbal supplement guinea pig treats to be easy access. This way, you can feed your wheeking piggies, while sealing the lid at the same time.

We also designed the GuineaDad Herbal Supplement lid with two hole feeders. The smaller hole can be used for when you are planning on giving your piggy just a few treats. This feature can be convenient for herb choices like Rose Hip, which can be poured in big amounts.

Maybe you're planning on giving all of your piggies a lot more love. Well, the bigger hole is to pour more content into your hand at once. This can also be convenient for herb choices like Raspberry Leaf, that tends to have content that sticks together.