Good morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening, GuineaGang!
It’s hard to tell when our words might reach each other these days, separated as we are by time zones, oceans, and obligations.
My aim is for you to feel seen, valued, and specific, so un-ironically I’ll offer you every option I can, declaring that whoever you are, wherever you are, whenever you find yourself, this greeting was made just for you.
In fact, just to be sure…
There. I hope you feel sufficiently catered to. You deserve it.
As technology simultaneously expands and shrinks our worldviews, it reinforces our need to check in with one another from time to time, rekindle old connections, form new ones, build trust, give hugs, ride bicycles, etc.
This following portrait gallery comprises 20 images that reveal the inner moments in the lives of ordinary people, which the artist felt were a good example of that expansion and contraction we feel sometimes; of the very small feeling very big, of the extraordinary within the ordinary, of universal moments felt silently by individuals.
Whether through quiet desperation, wonder, dread, or enthusiasm, there’s a shared urgency to each of these photographs; a common yearning to be seen. Disparate in their journeys, the "people" in these 20 images are intended to remind us of those we know, of ourselves, and of how beneath our surface-level distinctions, we’re all just guinea pigs in funny hats.

They look like meee!
They look like meee!
This was over the top PRICELESS!! These piggy costumes and faces have to be THE SWEETEST THING EVER!!!
WoW this made my day . those pictures are adorable . thank you for sharing
And suddenly I feel more cheerful. Gracias. Merci. Spasibo. Arigato. Danke.