Just like with most fruits and veggies, guinea pigs can eat apricots, but in moderation! While there’s plenty of health benefits, it's important to be careful when it comes to how often you feed them to your piggies because of the high sugar content, as well as other factors that you need to consider.
We've also got a Fruit Master List that lists common fruits that your piggy can and can't eat!
What vitamins and other nutrients does apricots contain?
Your guinea pig needs this to build and maintain strong bones! This is especially the case when it comes to guinea pigs that are younger and are still developing, as well as guinea pigs that are older! Guinea pigs that are older need lots of calcium to maintain the strength of their bones as they age so they can stay active.
This is also needed for their heart, muscles, and nerves to function properly. It’s obvious why a guinea pig would need their heart to work properly, but it's important that their nerves are functioning as well. Nerves receive and send signals for different functions throughout their body to perform.
Muscles also need to be working properly to maintain healthy physical activity. There is 13 mg in a 100 g portion. It should be noted that there is 23 mg of phosphorus in the same size serving! That would make the Ca:P (calcium to phosphorus ratio) 0.56:1. The ideal ratio is 1.33:1.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is necessary for growth and development, as well as repair of body tissues. Not only is it used for tissue repair, but it’s also used to build up the strength of the immune system. This is important because we want to prevent the contraction of any life-threatening infections and illnesses!
It also helps with absorbing iron. This is important because iron is necessary for the creation of hemoglobin and myoglobin—both are proteins necessary for oxygen delivery that are necessary for many different body functions.
Every single function that the body performs needs oxygen in order for it to be done properly. This means that vitamin C’s role in iron usage and protein production is vital. There is 10 mg of Vitamin C in a 100 g portion.
This helps with maintaining a regular digestive system, and helps keep your guinea pig full, which prevents overeating! Ensuring that your guinea pig’s digestive system runs smoothly is more important than you may think. Guinea pigs eat their own poop in order to fully absorb all the nutrients that their food has to offer them.
For this to be able to happen properly, the guinea pig body needs to be able to move food in and out in regular intervals. Consuming lots of fiber is what helps keep the digestive tract running smoothly and promptly, so that your guinea pigs are able to eat their poop and absorb nutrients in a timely manner.
It’s also helpful for lowering cholesterol and controlling blood sugar levels, which is vital because guinea pigs can’t handle sugar in the same way that humans can. There is 2 g in a 100 g portion.

What other benefits does apricots provide for your guinea pig?
Apricots are high in flavonoid and anthocyanin content! These help fight against diseases, prevent allergies, and also help in reducing inflammation. They’ve also been known to help lower blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
There’s also the presence of potassium, which helps with fluid balance in the body and muscle contractions, and regulates nerve signals.
What are the downsides about apricots for guinea pigs?
Unfortunately, apricots have a high sugar content, which can make your piggy more susceptible to developing diabetes or becoming obese. This is part of why it’s important to give this fruit to your guinea pig in moderation! Apricots also tend to cause some digestive problems if over consumed. This means diarrhea can occur, which leads to dehydration! If this happens, you should stop feeding your guinea pig apricot right away.
Guinea pigs can eat apricots, but do they like it?
Guinea pigs love apricots, because not only are they a sweet treat, but they’re soft, which makes it easier for them to eat!
How should you go about feeding your guinea pig apricots?
This is one of those foods that you should only feed your guinea pig once in a while as a treat! The best would be one or two times a week and one, half-inch slice should be a good amount to start with! Make sure to carefully monitor your guinea pig to see how their body responds to the fruit to make sure they are able to handle it.

Overall, it is OK to feed your guinea pigs apricots!
But, just like any good thing, there is such a thing as too much! It’s important to very carefully introduce apricots to your guinea pig, and to make sure they don’t suffer from any unsavory side effects! Remember that your piggies need one cup of fresh fruits and veggies to supplement their regular diet of pellets and hay—aim for variety and don’t feed them too much of any single thing!
What else can guinea pigs eat?
Check out our Fruit Master List for quick facts on common fruits that your guinea pig can and can't eat.