The short and sweet answer is yes, guinea pigs can eat kiwi, but in moderation! It’s important to note that kiwi has a high sugar content, which isn’t the best for the piggies. There are several health benefits that come from the fruit, but there are some drawbacks as well. Keep both in mind when deciding whether you should be including this in your guinea pig’s diet.
We've also got a Fruit Master List that lists common fruits that your piggy can and can't eat!
What vitamins and other nutrients do kiwis contain?
Vitamin C
This is necessary for growth, development, and repair of your guinea pig’s body tissues! It also helps maintain their immune system so they can fight off illnesses. This is important since they catch infections so easily. With the initial infections, usually comes secondary ones that make it difficult for their bodies to fight off both at the same time.
Guinea pigs often die from infections, so it’s important that we prevent them as best as we can. Vitamin C is also vital for preventing scurvy, which causes a multitude of health issues as symptoms, and can even make it painful and difficult for your guinea pig to eat. There is 92.7 mg in a 100 g portion of kiwi.
Guinea pigs need calcium to build and maintain their strong bones! In particular, elderly guinea pigs need more calcium to strengthen their bones as they age so they can stay active! Staying physically active throughout their lives is vital because it’s what keeps them healthy.
This is one of the best ways for their lifespans to be extended! Calcium is also important for other guinea pigs that fit certain criteria when it comes to age or sex, but the average guinea shouldn’t have too much calcium, as it will cause a multitude of issues when it comes to their urinary tract. Their heart, muscles, and nerves also need it in order to function properly. There is 34 mg in 100 g of kiwi.
Its main function is in the formation of bones, as well as and teeth! Phosphorus works very closely with calcium, which is why it is almost always discussed alongside calcium when it comes to how much anyone needs, whether it’s our guinea pigs or for us as humans! It also is important for helping the body properly use carbohydrates and fats.
Carbs are important for your guinea pig’s normal body function, so it’s important that phosphorus is present to help allocate those correctly. On the other hand, guinea pigs should be having a low-fat diet.There is 34 mg in 100 g of kiwi. The ideal Ca:P (calcium to phosphorus) ratio is 1.33:1, and the ratio for kiwi is 1:1, which is pretty good!
What other benefits do kiwis provide for your guinea pig?
On top of having a bunch of useful vitamins for your guinea pig, there are some other additional benefits as well! For example, the consumption of kiwi is great for increasing magnesium and iron levels. Kiwi also contains potassium, which helps maintain blood pressure and helps regulate the heart—this reduces heart related problems even later in your guinea pig’s life. Kiwi also has lots of fiber, which is good for maintaining their digestive system.
What are the downsides about kiwis for guinea pigs?
Unfortunately, despite the plentiful benefits, there are some drawbacks as well. As previously mentioned, there is a large amount of sugar, which can lead to obesity and development of diabetes. Obese guinea pigs have shorter lifespans because they tend to develop health problems stemming from being overweight.
While kiwi is water-rich, too much water can actually cause an upset stomach in your guinea pig, leading to diarrhea. When this occurs, this can then cause dehydration due to the expelling of water in your piggy’s waste.
Just as with any food that contains calcium, it can lead to the development of bladder stones if over consumed. Overall consumption moderation is necessary when it comes to kiwi in order to avoid any of the unsavory health problems that may occur.
Guinea pigs can eat kiwi, but do they like it?
Yes! It’s a safe assumption that it’s because they're sweet.
How should you go about feeding your guinea pig kiwi?
Now that you know both the benefits and downsides, we think you’d agree that a very small portion is best when deciding to include this into your guinea pig’s diet! It’s a given, but make sure that you’re thoroughly washing all the produce that you’re going to be feeding your piggies!
It’s the easiest way to keep them safe from the get go. The best amount of kiwi to give to your guinea pig is probably around one teaspoon-sized serving, once a week to avoid weight gain and other health problems that occur from overfeeding.

Overall, it is OK to feed your guinea pigs kiwi!
However, it’s important to do it in moderation! In general, your guinea pig needs one cup of fruits and vegetables to supplement their regular diet of hay and pellets. When deciding what to include in that, make sure to do thorough research in order to keep your piggy happy and healthy.
What else can guinea pigs eat?
Check out our Fruit Master List for quick facts on common fruits that your guinea pig can and can't eat.