Nutrition Essentials
Diet & Nutrition , Health

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli?

Can guinea pigs eat broccoli? Broccoli is a good source of various Vitamins, and other essential nutrients such as fi...
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli?

Key Takeaways

  • Guinea pigs can eat broccoli in moderation – It’s a healthy snack with vitamins and fiber, but too much can cause bladder stones due to its calcium content.
  • All parts of broccoli are safe – They can eat the florets, stems, and stalks, and the crunchy texture helps keep their teeth from overgrowing.
  • Always serve it fresh and raw – Cooked broccoli isn’t suitable, and it’s important to wash it thoroughly to remove any pesticides.
  • Feed small amounts – A 1-inch piece once or twice a week is enough to get the benefits without causing health issues.

Hey there GuineaGang,

Have you ever wondered if guinea pigs can eat broccoli safely? Watch this short video for a quick summary about this topic:

Broccoli is a Nutritious Treat

The short answer is, yes - guinea pigs can eat broccoli. Broccoli is a vegetable that is high in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, Fiber, and other essential nutrients. Due to guinea pigs being unable to synthesize their own vitamin C, broccoli helps to fill that void. 

However, broccoli should only be provided as a treat or in very small quantities. This is because broccoli is known to be rich in calcium and oxalates which, if eaten in abundance, can lead to bladder stones and other complications in guinea pigs. If you're wary about giving your guinea pigs broccoli due to the calcium, you can find other vegetables to safely feed them that are deemed safe by reading this blog: What Vegetables can Guinea Pigs Eat? Here are some of the Best Veggies for Guinea Pigs Diet

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Stems?

Guinea pigs can eat all parts of the broccoli! The stem, florets, and the stalk are all enjoyed by guinea pigs and chewing on this tough and crunchy vegetable will also help them to maintain good dental health, keeping their teeth at a healthy length. 

Feed some broccoli to your guinea pigs and watch them enjoy this nutritious treat, but make sure you're feeding it sparingly!

Guinea pigs should only ever consume fresh, raw vegetables, never anything cooked, and be sure to thoroughly wash all produce beforehand to remove any lingering pesticides. 

GuineaDad offers healthy and tasty treats in a variety of flavors! Shop here: 

6 pack treat sampler for guinea pigs

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Thanks do for the advice


Hi! I was wondering can guniea pigs eat oranges because when i eat orange in my room and my guniea pigs in the room he goes to the cage and i want to give it too him but I think it has too much sugar so is it ok?

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Hi! I was wondering can guniea pigs eat oranges because when i eat orange in my room and my guniea pigs in the room he goes to the cage and i want to give it too him but I think it has too much sugar so is it ok?

Anne Antoma

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