Nutrition Essentials
Diet & Nutrition , Health

What Leafy Greens & Veggies Can Your Guinea Pig Have?

In honor of gardening season, we're talking about some commonly grown leafy greens and a few summer veggies that can ...
What leafy greens can your guinea pig eat?

You want to make sure your guinea pigs are getting the best diet possible. While they can survive on pellets and hay alone, providing them with lettuce, greens and fresh vegetables will help keep them healthy and happy. This article will introduce you to the types of lettuce, greens and vegetables that are safe and ideal for guinea pigs to eat!

Overall Diet

Providing animals with the proper nutrition is essential for their health and well-being. This is especially true for guinea pigs, who are herbivores that require a diet rich in plants. Lettuce and other greens are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber and other essential nutrients. Feeding fresh plants to your guinea pig can help boost their immune system, improve their digestion, and even reduce the risk of obesity. The diet should be balanced and we should make changes slowly. Overfeeding of lettuce and greens can cause diarrhea, but a moderate amount is excellent.

Kale, carrots, spinach, lettuce, and squash are all nutritious options for guinea pigs, but some better than others. Guinea pigs also do well with green or red sweet peppers, parsley, nutrient rich lettuce like romaine, cantaloupe, dandelion greens, and cilantro. The guinea pig diet should include a formulated pelleted diet at the base, along with a high quality hay such as our GuineaDad Timothy Hay. Ample fresh vegetables can make up the rest!

Tofu and Dumpling, two guinea pigs, enjoying GuineaDad timothy hay

Essential Nutrients

Vitamin C is of particular concern with guinea pigs. Foods rich in ascorbic acid are essential, but it is important to note that guinea pigs lack an enzyme (L-gulonolactone oxidase) that helps them synthesize vitamin C from glucose. For this reason, guinea pigs require supplemental vitamin C in their diets. If you're looking for an easier way to give your piggies some vitamin C, supplements such as rosehip are great!

Guinea pigs are strictly herbivores and native to South America. In the wild and in their native environment, guinea pigs naturally eat a variety of vegetables and other plants. In addition to vitamin C, guinea pigs must have a wide range of nutrients that can be addressed with a proper diet. Some of the popular vegetables to include in your guinea pig's diet are listed below:

Spinach: This green is a good source of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

Kale: For Vitamin A, C, and K as well as calcium and potassium, Kale can be eaten.

Red Leaf Lettuce: This lettuce type is low in calcium and oxalates which is a good thing for guinea pigs. Red Leaf lettuce is lower in vitamin C that some alternatives.

Romaine Lettuce: This lettuce type is also low in calcium and high in vitamin C, making it another good choice.

Squash: different varieties of squash have iron, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin C and are safe for guinea pigs in small quantities. Squash is not well balanced enough to make up a large part of a the guinea pig diet.

Carrots: These tasty root vegetables are high in sugar, which can be very helpful for guinea pigs that need to gain weight.

Guinea Pigs need a good source of fats in the diet to be as healthy as they can be. They can gain weight from sugary foods like carrots, corn, and sweet potatoes, but vegetables alone are not enough for this. Pellets and supplements can be used to ensure saturated and polyunsaturated fats in guinea pigs, especially those used for breeding.

Guinea pig chewing on lettuce gif

Critical Precautions

Precautions must be taken with some vitamin and mineral sources for guinea pigs. Some of the greens and vegetables we’ve mentioned are high in calcium and these must be fed in extreme moderation if they are used in a guinea pig diet. Calcium deposits can cause bladder stones in guinea pigs, which can be fatal. Many foods that are rich in calcium are also high in phosphorus and oxylates. In studies, guinea pigs did not thrive when fed a diet high in calcium, oxalates, and phosphorus. Growth was slow in these animals and their overall life spans were shorter.

Lettuce, greens and vegetables are essential to a healthy guinea pig diet. They should not be the only items offered. Hay, pellets and supplements are also important in order to provide a well-rounded diet for these animals. By taking care to learn about foods and feed guinea pigs a variety of foods, you can ensure that he or she stays happy and healthy!


To learn more about the foods guinea pigs can and cannot eat, check out our blogs on:

What are the best vegetables for guinea pigs? 

Toxic foods for guinea pigs 

Six most popular fruits for guinea pigs

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you indicate that dandilion leaves are good for them. do u mean just ordinary dandilions whic maybe grow as weeds?

Carol May

Dear Sir, I am doing your urinary diet for my guinea two guinea pigs. Their urine had white color. I use your your linners and pee pads. I change the pee pads daily. My question is I am serving them only the vegetables in the diet due to my fear of stones. As I had one pass away due to that illness. Is it alright to fed only this diet? I am fearful to try anything else. They have unlimited access to timothy hay ,filtered water and 1/8 cup pellets. Thank you for your linners and padsI purchased it helps so much for clean cage. Sincerely Connie


Dear Sir, I am doing your urinary diet for my guinea two guinea pigs. Their urine had white color. I use your your linners and pee pads. I change the pee pads daily. My question is I am serving them only the vegetables in the diet due to my fear of stones. As I had one pass away due to that illness. Is it alright to fed only this diet? I am fearful to try anything else. They have unlimited access to timothy hay ,filtered water and 1/8 cup pellets. Thank you for your linners and padsI purchased it helps so much for clean cage. Sincerely Connie


Is celery good for them?

Regan Becker

I thought spinach is very high in calcium and oxylates? I don’t feed spinach for this reason


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