Read on for a detailed look at this interesting question, or watch this short video for a quick summary of the topic:
Hey there, GuineaGang!
Guinea pigs come in all shapes and sizes, and every single one of them is adorable, so it’s no wonder that occasionally it takes us a while before we start noticing that random household objects or groceries they resemble.
We should warn you that once you find your guinea pig’s doppelganger, you’ll never be able to unsee it. The good news is that, if anything, it only makes them cuter. Please allow me to explain through the following pictures:
You know that moment when the soft morning light begins to stream in through the windows of your guinea pigs’ room, your piggy cheerfully emerges from its cozy sleeping nook to greet the day, and suddenly you realize that your beloved pet completely resembles a…

Many guinea pigs’ natural body types, posture, and deductive reasoning skills makes this a pretty reasonable comparison. Most people don’t know this, but a Potato Guinea Pig often makes a very good movie watching buddy.
If you’re fortunate enough to have your own little wheeking, furry potato at home, go give them an extra cuddle for us, and go find something good on Netflix.
Aubergine, anyone?

If you have a sweet little purplish Skinny pig like this one, you’ll probably want to pay very careful attention next time you plan on grilling up some eggplant. Your piggy would probably take a while to forgive you after a mixup like that, no matter how honest a mistake this would be.
Ah, how lovely. Clean towels and GuineaDad Liners, fresh from the dryer.
Wait a minute! Where’s Gandalf!?
Dryer Lint!

Listen up, everyone. Soft, fluffy, round objects are all going to have a lot in common. That’s just a fact of life. If your piggy also happens to be the exact same color as dryer lint, then this issue’s pretty much guaranteed to come up.
You can start practicing being extra gentle and loving with your dryer lint now, just so that when this mix-up finally occurs, you won’t have any apologizing to do.
You know what I’m always in the mood for on a cozy day at home?

If your piggies are fully grown, this one shouldn’t be a problem, but if you’ve got baby guinea pigs around, don’t be surprised if you find them making themselves at home in the bed of kale on your plate. They’ll probably assume the other dumplings are just their brothers and sisters.
(Please clear up this misconception before eating the dumplings.)
Fresh from the salon, you’re looking fine and feeling good! Then dad calls out to you from across the parking lot…
“What’s Up, Mop-Top?”

The important thing is that YOU think your hair looks beautiful. Right? I mean, confidence is 90% of attraction. Throw back your gorgeous locks with that ‘longhair, don’t care’ attitude, and strut your stuff!
In fact, I think we’ve been looking at this all wrong. That’s not a funny hairstyle, it’s just an exceptionally beautiful mop!
I need something soft and squishy to cuddle with at night...
Hmm. Piggy or Stuffed Animal, Piggy or Stuffed Animal?

Okay, someone obviously knew what they were doing when they designed this stuffed animal. They clearly used my little Peanut as their design model. Right? Those curious eyes, that huggable round body, and sweet smile? That’s it, I’m not going to play favorites. You can all sleep on my bed.
Glowing skin is always in! How about Tanned and Weather-Proofed?
Genuine Piggy

They told SlimJim here that he was spending too much time in the sun. Jim let them know that his skin condition was genetic, and carried on about his business. We think you look good, Jim. Rugged. Distinguished. Full grain.
For all those black tie events, we know you’ve got coming up, we’ve just discovered the perfect accessory...
Cute Cuy Dress Shoes!

Want to know something that never goes out of style? Guinea pigs. They’re always crowd pleasers, and they’d love to go to that wedding with you. Maybe bring a backup pair of flats, just in case.
What did you guys do over the pandemic? I got a sourdough starter kid and learned how to make my own…
Guinea Pig Loaves

If your piggy is one who likes to steal food, better double-check those bread rolls next time you two are sharing a meal. You can fool me once, Biscuit…but I ain’t gonna get fooled again!
Quick! It’s a grounder to the grass! Grab the ball and throw it home!
Baseball Smalls

Fast reflexes are crucial in the game of baseball. You never know when your ball might sprout ears and try to walk away. Stay sharp out there, and watch where you step!
Hooray! After the ballgame, we’re all going out for…
Ice Cream!

Ah, the cold weather’s finally here. The days are drawing in, and the leaves are starting to turn. Time to slide your feet into some cozy…
“Slippers!” - A Public Service Announcement

As we don our autumn robes, and step into fuzzy slippers to warm our toes, we hope nobody forgets, for the sake of our small pets, to first shout a warning of “look out below”.
We’re all looking forward to getting out those comfy fall clothes, but do your due diligence and check all those cozy little caves for cavies before sliding your feet in.
And while you’re at it, make sure your sneakers don’t have squeakers, and your loafers don’t have gophers.
Until next time, GuinaGang!
~ GuineaDad
I love it!! <3 <3 This article made me laugh so bad – it‘s delicious. Keep up the great work and more funny stuff like this pls. =)
Thanks for writing this! I’ve always felt like my guinea pigs reminded me of things or were sending me messages somehow. Like whenever I saw slipper I would think of slippers (slipper is named slipper because she was kind of clumsy when she first joined us and slipped a lot! Weird coincidence!). But now I realize she looks like a slipper for a foot! (Not a foot that’s slipping but a foot that’s cozy because it’s inside a slipper of course!) I told my husband Glen about this article and we had a real laugh. But now I’m wondering whether it’s possible to buy slippers for slipper. Hopefully with some traction on the soles. Do you guys sell those? If not, do you think it’s a good idea? I don’t know if a Guinea pig would wear shoes. I’ve never seen one wearing shoes and my glen says hasn’t either (although he can be a bit forgetful so who knows!). But we aren’t experts!
Also tantrum DOES look like an eggplant! I could never figure out why I kept buying eggplants for dinner right when we took little tantrum home. Glen had a laugh about that but not as much as the laugh he had about slipper!! (He always says he loves my cooking but I suspect he doesn’t really like eggplants even though he denies this—so I understand why his chortle was not as big and am sure it has nothing to do with the quality of your piece).
Anyway – the reason I’m posting this comment is because I’m wondering what guinea pigs in your experience look like celebrities, if you have explored that area? Furtive glances (bless her sweet soul she passed last year) always reminded me of Ernest Borgnine. I would love to know if you’ve seen any Guinea pigs that look like Ernest Borgnine or maybe other celebrities. Sometimes we think tantrum looks like celebrities on that live Saturday night program. We think she likes to do impressions for us and boy does she make us chuckle. She’s the entertainer of the bunch!! (Although slippers physical comedy is a real hoot and close second!)
Anyway. I hope you have a wonderful day and continue to write these informative articles! Glen and I are running out of things to talk about after 56 years of marriage as Glen always jokes to me!! Ha ha!